4 жовтня 2013 р.

Beautiful Synonyms

Використання синонімів допоможе уникнути тавтології, зробить твір більш цікавим та, можливо, накине вам бал на Writing-у

1. GORGEOUS (чудовий, блискучий).

Example: You look gorgeous!

Example: Yesterday I saw a gorgeous woman walking down the street.

2. PRETTY (милий, симпатичний)

Example: That’s a pretty hat you are wearing.

Example: A pretty girl like you shouldn’t frown.

3. HANDSOME (красивий, представницький) - про чоловіків

Example: Yeah, he is that handsome guy from the party.

Example: My husband was always a particularly handsome man, but now he looks incredible.

4. LOVELY (красивий, прекрасний)

Example: Thank you for the invitation. You have a lovely house.

Example: This ring is lovely! Where did you find it?

5. ATTRACTIVE (привабливий)

Example: You have a very attractive smile.

Example: I wouldn’t go on a date with him if I didn’t think he was attractive enough.

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