28 вересня 2013 р.

Етичний і філософський потенціал роману «Злочин і кара»

Якщо людство чимось захоплюється, то це щось дійсно чудове. Виходить новий фільм і всі кричать, які красиві актори та чудові спец ефекти, а що ж стосовно книг? Я впевнений, що комерція вбиває сучасну літературу, тому окрему увагу приділяю саме класичним вторам, перевіреним часом. На даний момент мова піде про роман Ф.М. Достоєвського «Злочин і кара».
Спочатку здається, що нічого, окрім історії юнака Раскольнікова ми не побачимо. А от і ні! Звісно, Родіон є головним героєм, проте не єдиним. Кожен, кого описує автор, є носієм якоїсь ідеї, образу. Усі разом дійові особи утворюють «Людську комедію» Оноре де Бальзака в мініатюрі. Вони такі різні, такі прості та зрозумілі. Отже, яка їх роль у романі?

Головні герої роману Л.М. Толстого «Анна Кареніна»

Часто ми обираємо книжки за назвою чи обкладинкою й набагато рідше за порадою. Звісно, важко знайти людину, яка б не чула про роман Льва Миколайовича Толстого «Анна Кареніна» та про його сюжет: жила собі панночка, закохалась в офіцера, стрибнула під потяг. Хто головний герой? Звісно ж, Анна Аркадіївна Облонська-Кареніна!

Роль другорядних героїв у творі «Анна Кареніна»

На яку б картину ми не подивилися, то обов*язково побачимо не тільки головного героя  композиції, а й маленькі невеличкі елементи, які створюють контраст, надають картині настрою. Так само з книжками. Головні герої, звісно, відіграють значну роль, є носіями головної ідеї, але не можна оминати поглядом тих, хто їм в цьому допомагає. Я маю на увазі другорядних героїв. Звісно, можуть зустрічатися театри одного актора, але навряд чи ви знайдете книгу одного героя.

Анна Кареніна - трагічна чи легковажна жінка?

Чи знаете ви, що таке magnum opus? Цей вислів використовують без перекладу на жодну з мов світу, а означає він  найголовніший твір в житті митця: книгу в письменника, роль в актора, картину в художника. Лев Миколайович Толстой належить до тих письменників, у яких ніколи не можна точно визначити їх  magnum opus, бо весь їх творчий доробок – це одна цілісна перлина в скарбниці світової літератури.

Mona Lisa

I want to begin my story with the country placed on the beach of the Adriatic Sea. It’s called Italy. It’s undeniable that Italy is famous on all over the world by Naples pizza, Ferrara macaroni and Rome ice cream. Moreover everybody knows that Italian is one of the most pleasant to the ear language. But the most remarkable is the other language. It’s a language of art. Exactly Italy is a motherland of Caravaggio, Botticello, Michelangelo, Raphael and of course the greatest person of all ages. He passed ahead of his time. His name is Leonardo da Vinci.
Leonardo was in advance of many other painters. His works continue to amaze us after 500 years passed. Telling about da Vinci it would be unforgivably not to say about his the greatest piece of painting. At the end of 19th century Francois Anatole Gruyer said, “It passed about 4 centuries as people go out of their minds because of watching Mona Lisa and talking about her”.  So what is so special in this exquisite piece of painting?
The full name of the canvas is “The Portrait of the Milady Lise del Giocondo”. Her enchanting smile is famous even among the kids. But the smile is not the only secret of the painting.
Firstly, scientists and art historians don’t know who exactly is painted on this picture. Many people agree that there is Lisa Gerardini, the third wife of Florentine merchant Francisco del Giocondo. Other do not agree and try to prove that the Lioness of Rimini Katarina Sforza was a sitter of Leonardo da Vinci. There are numerous of different hypotheses.
Face of Giaconda has some more features. It’s without brows and eyelashes. It’s not an invention of painter it’s a trait of quattrocento. Quattrocento is an epoch if an Italian art in the 15th  century.
What about a canvas itself. Woman in the dark clothes is depicted on the half-length. She is sitting on the balcony in the armchair folded his hands. We can see a light black veil on her face.   Probably it’s a symbol of widowhood. This is a great plus to the theory of Katarina Sforza as a sitter.  A bit curly dark hair is lying on the shoulders.
All these words are about forestage. And now a few words about backstage. It makes Mona Lisa more real because you see her figure so close and the landscape of mountains is so far. Hazy distance is empty. There is an early copy of “La Gioconda” where she is represented on the dark backstage. Because of it picture isn’t so bright, a lot of little but noticeable moments are lost. After reproduction of this copy the landscape was found under the black layer. At a pop painting became livelier. Feeling of the picture changed in one moment.

Claude Monet

Once I told you about an Italian art and Leonardo da Vinci. His works of art are a national heritage. But other countries also can be proud of their artists. Today I want to tell you about a motherland of cinematography, guillotine and ballet. It’s a cradle of three revolutions and here was an origin of the Spring of Nations. As you understand I keep in my mind France. 
It’s unnecessary to say about Alexander Dumas, Anne and Serge Golone and Antoine de Saint –Exupery. But not only writers have made this country one of the most famous on all over the world. Painters played are great role in its history and development.
Let me consider life and works of Claude Monet. He was one of the founders of impressionism. His life was full of impressions, travelling and creation. A lot of his works reflect not a real view but how painter saw it. 
I want to describe one of his pieces of painting. The first thing that needs to be said is a description of impressionism. It’s a genre of painting that shows us instantaneous effect of the event or landscape. It’s full of lightness and airiness, range of colors is heartwarming and inspiring. Let’s see it on the example.
It’s Claude Monet’s piece of painting “The Argenteuil Bridge” was made in 1874. There are virtually five other variations of that picture. They have the same layout but colors and moods are different. On the foreground we can see a boat with lower sails. On the background a bank with the bridge are depicted. The sky is serene with soft downy clouds on it. The whole masterpiece is full of sunlight. We can image that there is a sunny July day and the whirr of insects is heard. 

Horoscope and Aries

Dante Alighieri in his “The Divine Comedy” wrote:
“Do not be afraid; our fate
Cannot be taken from us; it is a gift”.
Many people believe in fate. They are sure that everything is predetermined. I’m not from among such cowards. I suppose that we can change and can be changed if we want it.  Like Voldemort said: “Things are changed”.
The most of all society trusts to horoscope. I was born the 15th of April so I’m an Aries.
I’m really proud to have such lodestar. But I have a little problem. My name characterizes me like calm, nice person who’s ready to give herself for everybody. Horoscope sais that I’m dynamic, energy and selfish person.
In my childhood I was pretty and quit girl who did everything with joy. I was ready to do what parents, relatives or elder people said. It’s not about Aries children. They are active, fidget and it’s difficult to make them to do something. So when I was child I wasn’t typical Aries. But now I am.
I’m sparse, ready to do something new but forget about old business.  It’s a typical Aries. Have you noticed that Aries have the same pronunciation with old nation named Aryans? It means noble.
Honestly speaking I’m so stubborn. All Aries bear this cross. It’s impossible to bring us to do something or change our viewpoint.
Aries is a child of Zodiac. So like children we are frank, honest and have innocent look. Therefore we do what we want and don’t reckon about consequences. Our motto is motto of Slytherin guys: “Ambitions are everything”

Ecology in Ukraine (informal letter)

Dear Jared,
I got your letter yesterday and decided to write back straightway. You asked me about minuses of my Motherland. It’s a pity, but there are plenty of them. The biggest one is ecology.
It’s a well known fact that Ukraine is a granary of Europe. At the same time we have some of the most polluted landscapes in Eastern Europe. It happened because of industrial factories, chemical fertilizers etc.

I live in the one of the most polluted region. Here we have a lot of coal mines and coal using works. All of them contaminate our air. You know, a friend of mine has asthma an account of them.

But it doesn’t mean that Ukraine is a country with gray polluted sky and without beautiful landscapes. Come to me and I will show you pluses of my homeland.
Forever yours,