13 березня 2014 р.

Healthy Food

An English writer Virginia Wolf said, “One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well”. But what does it mean to eat well?

Someone can say that it means to eat what you like, don’t care about consequences. But we need to understand the food we eat influences on our health, figure and even mood. People are used to say, “What is healthy is tasteless”. Teenagers and busy people do like to live on quickly, in passing.  Everybody knows that such feeding helps fat to appear; it spoils a stomach and leads to the illnesses of alimentary canal. 
As you see, we need to protect ourselves from such a food. Therefore I’m going to discuss about healthy food, what is it and all pros and cons of it. Of course such food which has a high sugar, salt or fat content cannot be called healthy. All food consists of nutrients. There are such kinds of them as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. 
I hope, everyone has seen a healthy food pyramid. It shows as a need of our constitution for its’ being healthy. 
As a result I want to sum up all resumes. Healthy food is available for everyone. It’s not a list of foodstuffs. It’s a kind of healthy diet. It includes products necessary for the organism. In spite of all the rumors, myths and gossips it is tasty and cheap.    
My story is on the last leg. The only thing can be added is the healthy food is a part of our everyday’s life.  In the summer we eat fruit and vegetables, some of us have breakfast consists of porridge and so on.  The food is the part and parcel of our life so we have to give indispensable consideration for it. 

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